• Phone: +254,733,882,691
  • sales@renoconagencies.com
  • WestPark Towers, Westlands, Parklands Rd, Nairobi
    2nd Floor, Renocon Agencies
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Health and Safety

We have taken measures to ensure that your places of work meet the required health and safety standards

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Surveillance Systems Installation

We equip you with tools that will help you keep tabs on everything that happens in your home or at your workplace

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Access Control Configuration

Equipment that ensures that only authorized personell have access to restricted parts of your work place

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Electronic Fencing - Alarm Systems

Installation of and electric and electronic fences and means to alert the necessary authorities in case of a break in to your facilities

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Entry Point Security System Installation

Machinery that checks for unwanted items at the gate and security checkpoint to secure your home or workplace environment

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Command and control command system.