• Phone: +254,733,882,691
  • sales@renoconagencies.com
  • WestPark Towers, Westlands, Parklands Rd, Nairobi
    2nd Floor, Renocon Agencies
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Providing safety equipment

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Health and safety consultation

This is a system that is put in place by an employer to minimize the rsik of injury and possible illness. This is made possible by identifying, assesing and controlling the risks to workers in all workplace operations.

The health and safety system must have the following in place

  1. Identification and analysis of health and safety hazards at the work site
  2. Control measures to reduce the risks to workers from hazards
  3. Clearly defined and written company policy
  4. Worker competency and training
  5. Inspection program
  6. Emergency response planning
  7. Incident reporting and investigation
All the above are in our perview

Specific Services


Risk Assesment and Control

Universally Health and Safety Regulation requires employers to address hazards present in their places of work.

  1. Identification of foreseeable hazardsand risks associated with these hazards
  2. Assessing the risks - identifying the consequence and likeliness of these risks occuring
  3. controlling the risk - implemeting control measures to eliminate or reduce the risks
  4. monitor and review the above process

Contractor Safety Management

Safety cultures and training

This involves training your staff and longterm workers on the nature and culture of the risks that might occur in your workplace according to the risk assessment that you carried out, and how to identify such a risk and the steps to take as a countermeasure for the risk

Benefits of Our Service


Our health and safety services ensure that you eliminate any risks for your employees as well everyone who might be visiting your worksite, all your worker are health and safety aware, this reduces the chances of errors which might be fatal

  • Assess health and safety risks at your work place
  • Train your workers on health and safety procedures
  • Equip your workers with health and safety equipment
  • Carry out reqular health and safety inspections

Request Free Consultation
