• Phone: +254,733,882,691
  • sales@renoconagencies.com
  • WestPark Towers, Westlands, Parklands Rd, Nairobi
    2nd Floor, Renocon Agencies
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Command and control center

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Complete cloud based PSIM system


  • OCTOPUS is a new and innovative Physical Security Information Management system (PSIM), which combines a comprehensive security management software with a robust smart phone application, enabling organizations to effectively manage all their security, safety and logistical requirements from one place.
  • OCTOPUS fuses together all of the security & safety systems, sensors and data sources in order to streamline and improve the efficiency and responsiveness of the organization’s security operations. The system was defined and developed by experts in the field of physical security, safety and cyber security and is a cloud enabled, reducing hardware costs and IT infrastructure dependencies.
  • OCTOPUS offers much benefits to organizations in various vertical markets, such as: critical infrastructure, safe city and smart city, emergency response agencies, municipalities & government agencies, airports & seaports, factories, banks, hotels, hospitals and others.

PSIM - Physical Security Information Management

  • PSIM collects data from disparate security devices and information systems
  • It analyzes and correlates data, events and alarms to identify the situation and priority
  • The systems presents the relevant situation information in a simple common operational picture
  • The systems provides standard operating procedure based on organization's policies and regulatory guidelines
  • The system tracks all the information for compliance reporting, training and in-depth investigative analysis
  • The system moitors how each operator interacts with system, tracks any manual changes to security systems and calculates reaction times for each event

Specific Services


Interface and integration

  1. Integrates and interfaces with all the organization's security systems, data systems, with open source intelligence and social media.
  2. Includes the majorit of softwares and apps for organizations which are currently sold or developed separetely


Mobile control and response

  1. Octopus mobile enables controlling ground response teams by location and app communication
  2. The app enables full command and control via mobile phone
  3. Links end users together

Octopus customer solutions:

  • Integrated Command and control system:
    for public and private organizations, sites and critical facilities
  • Emergency response:
    Safe Cities, Emergency agencies, 911, Government agencies and Municipalities. Interface with crime and government data sources.
  • Law enforcement and Security forces:
    securing cities, facilities and sites – route allocation, tracking, distress signaling, incident reporting and mobile video sharing.
  • Visitors, Suppliers & Contract employees management:
    for Private and Government facilities. Including a web portal invitation site
  • Competence management for Government and Private Organizations:
    regulation and compliance protocols, set up report fill outs for staff via mobile app terminal, monitor through organizational performance indicators.

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