• Phone: +254,733,882,691
  • sales@renoconagencies.com
  • WestPark Towers, Westlands, Parklands Rd, Nairobi
    2nd Floor, Renocon Agencies

What is the procedure to join with your company?

Visit us at our offices, 3rd Floor Savla Plaza, Mogotio Road, Westalnds Nairobi or contact us through any communication avenues

Whats the procedure of installing a security system?

What makes you special from others?

We offer you an annual maintencance contract, our systems are always up to date and we constantly upgrade to newer technologies.

What is a total security solution?

This is a solution that covers all based of your organisation, from entry point security, surveillance, employee clocking, perimeter fences and alarms to remote monitoring of your workplace through a computer a tablet or a mobile phone

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